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Meet Our Founder

    Rodney Walbecq born in Detroit coming from a long line of family plumbers, was raised to know hard work, being honest, living life with discipline and integrity.  After Graduation graduated high-school, and served as a Navy Hospital Corpsman for nearly a decade! Rod found himself at new crossroad, leading him back to civilian life, where he became a Medicaid Worker in his local community.


  Fast forward 25 years, Rod began growing cannabis to help alleviate the symptoms of his wife’s disabling medical conditions. Seeing how much it helped her, Rod realized how many more people he could help, including his fellow veterans.


   This inspired Rod become the founder of one of the cleanest, most versatile, cannabis fertilizer on the market today.


   From rebellious kid,  to Navy Hospital Corpsman, then Medicaid Worker, and finally a Cannabis Entrepreneur who even hosts his own podcast!  Rod’s life has been, and always will be, devoted to... helping others!

Founder CEO
~Est 2022~

Rodney Walbecq
"The Doc" 

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